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An Evaluation of Employments per Region

Intelligent Economics > Analysis > An Evaluation of Employments per Region

According to the Labor Department of Puerto Rico, on average, Puerto Rico has around 900,000 employees per month, indicating a stable employment landscape. From January 2010 to May 2023, there has been a slight 1.1% increase in employment. The lowest point was in April 2020 with 768,000 employees, but it has since rebounded to normal levels, currently at 951,800 employees.

The region of San Juan, with total employment of 687.7 thousand, demonstrates the highest employment figures among the regions. Its lowest employment point was recorded at 560.6 thousand on April 2020. Since then, there has been a 22.7% increase in employment in this region. The average employment per month stands at 652 thousand, indicating a significant workforce.

Ponce, the region with the second highest employment, has a total of 73,600 employees, with a 26.5% increase since April 2020. The highest point was in March 2010 with 77,500 employees. The average employment is 71,410, contributing significantly to the overall labor market. Although it exceeds the monthly average, it is not as high as expected based on the past figures.

Aguadilla has some similar statistics to Ponce. The region has a total employment of 59,400 and experienced its lowest point in April 2020 at 44,200 employees. It has seen a 34.4% increase since then, making them the region with the highest growth rate in Puerto Rico since April 2020. Their monthly average is 51,910 employees, making them the third region with the highest employment rate in Puerto Rico.

Other regions like Arecibo, Guayama, Mayagüez, and San Germán also contribute to the employment landscape, each contributing less than 4% of the total employment in Puerto Rico. With all regions experiencing a decline in April 2020 due to the pandemic, Guayama demonstrated the lowest growth since April 2020, while Mayagüez had the greatest growth at 31.7%.

Overall, the employment data shows diverse opportunities and dynamics across different regions in Puerto Rico. San Juan and Ponce stand out as significant employment centers, each with their own highest and lowest employment points. Aguadilla for example demonstrates growth and resilience in its labor market. Moreover, we understood that every region had its lowest mark in April 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding these trends helps policymakers and stakeholders identify areas of strength and opportunity for continued development and prosperity in Puerto Rico.

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