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Quiebras disminuyen un 24.5% en 2021

Durante diciembre de 2021 se presentaron un total de 296quiebras, 157 o un 34.7% menos que en diciembre del año anterior.   En comparación con noviembre de 2021, las presentaciones disminuyeron...

Bankruptcy Filings November 2021

There were a total of 276 bankruptcy filings in Puerto Rico during the month of November. Of these, 106 were chapter 7, 169 were chapter 13, and 1 was chapter...
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Inflation in the US jumped 6.2% in October

This week, the Labor Department published the Consumer Price Index and prices for U.S. consumers jumped 6.2% in October compared with a year earlier, leaving families facing their highest inflation...

Millonaria asignación de fondos ARPA impulsarán el mercadeo turístico a niveles competitivos

Los fondos para la promoción turística de la Ley del Plan de Recate Americano (ARPA, por sus siglas en inglés) permitirán que, por dos años, Puerto Rico cuente con un...
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Housing Market Declines in September

There were a total of 1,079 housing units sold in Puerto Rico during the month of September 2021. Compared to the previous month of August, there were 13 fewer units...
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Plan of Adjustment Accepted

The following is a press release from the FOMB outlining their acceptance of the new Plan of Adjustment. La Junta de Supervisión y Administración Financiera para Puerto Rico anunció hoy...

Inteligencia Económica lanza nuevo portal enfocado en la economía global y proyecciones económicas

La firma Inteligencia Económica Inc. relanzó su portal de indicadores económicos ampliando su enfoque de análisis hacia la economía internacional y modelos de proyecciones mediante la utilización de algoritmos.
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Employment Increases for 4th Consecutive Month

Non-farm payroll in Puerto Rico for the month of September in 2021 totaled 862.5 thousand workers. Compared to the previous month of August, non-farm payroll increased by 1.8 thousand, or...
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