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The month of August saw an overall increase in both Cement Sales and Production with a total of 1,328.6 pounds sold and 789 pounds produced. These figures from Puerto Rico’s Economic Development Bank represent the highest of 2022, barring June of the same year. Compared to July 2022, Cement Sales saw a 19% increase (212.4 pounds);...
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In July 2022, Puerto Rico’s total energy consumption reached 1,514.5KWh. This shows a 1.68% increment when compared to July 2021’s total consumption. When compared to June 2022’s consumption, there is only a 1.28% increment in July 2022’s total consumption. Overall, Puerto Rico’s total energy consumption has seen significant changes. This despite its changes in prices, given...
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Inflation for July 2022 increased by 7.15% when compared to prices in July 2021. The industries that mainly absorbed this year-over-year increase in their prices were Transportation (14.4%), Food and Beverages (9.1%), Other goods and services (4.5%), Housing (3.1%), Education and Communication (3.0%), Recreation (2.2%), Medical Care (1.6%), and Apparel (1.6%).   As for comparison in...
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A pesar del dinamismo que aun exhibe la economía hasta julio, según las lecturas más recientes del Índice de Actividad Económica (IAE), el panorama para los próximos meses parece incierto. El IAE exhibe los niveles mas altos alcanzados de noviembre del 2016, y el empleo se encuentra a niveles históricamente altos, con 911,000 personas empleadas, y...
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Total employment for Puerto Rico in July 2022 reached 1,090,000,000. This in comparison to July 2021’s total employment, shows an increment of 36,000 or 3.42%. However, when compared to June 2022’s total employment, which was at 1,108,000, a decrease of 18,000 or 1.63%. The current participation rate is at 42.2%. This has been gradually decreasing in...
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Export in Puerto Rico totaled $6billion for the month of June 2022, which implies an increase of $1.1billion or 23% when compared to exports reported for June 2021. Imports also show an increase when compared to figures reported on the previous year, totaling $4.6billion for June 2022. This shows a $230million or a 5% increase compared...
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The Economic Activity Index (EAI) for the month of June stood at 124.3 in June, a 2.3% increase compared to the same month last year, according to data from the Economic Development Bank (BDE, for its Spanish acronym). However, the Index level in June is the lowest in seven months.When compared to the month of May,...
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US Retail Sales for July totaled $682.82 billion, a 10.3% increase compared to July 2021, but remain flat (0%) compared to June 2022 which totaled $682.56 billion. Excluding autos and auto parts, retail sales rose 0.4% in July. Lower gas prices likely freed up money for people to spend elsewhere. Gasoline sales slid 1.8%, reflecting the...
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Los indicadores económicos de Puerto Rico continúan mostrando una tendencia preocupante, reflejada en el constante aumento de las solicitudes de quiebra. Durante el mes de junio de 2024, se registró un incremento del 18.7% en comparación con el mismo periodo del año anterior, marcando así el sexto mes consecutivo de alzas. Esta escalada sostenida ha llevado...
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De cara a la segunda mitad del 2024, los principales indicadores demuestran una normalización gradual de la economía de Puerto Rico. Luego de tres años de buen desempeño económico en gran medida apoyada por los fondos de reconstrucción y las ayudas directas del Covid-19, a junio de 2024, la economía empieza a dar síntomas de desgaste.Por...
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“No hay mal que por bien no venga” dice el refrán que hay un resquicio de esperanza en toda dificultad. Desde la llegada del Sargazo a las costas Dominicanas se han entablado esfuerzos para reciclarla, usarla como producto, quemarla, usarla de fertilizante y hasta investigaciones científicas para buscarle uso. La naturaleza, por su parte, tiene definida...
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El total de ventas al detal aumentó en un 8.3% de enero 2023 a enero 2024, pasando de $2,855,897,130 a $3,093,233,465. Las categorías que mostraron los mayores incrementos porcentuales fueron los supermercados y tiendas de bebidas alcohólicas (18.3%) y los restaurantes y lugares de bebidas alcohólicas (15.1%), lo cual refleja un aumento significativo en el consumo...
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The inflation rate in the US dipped in June for the first time in over four years, providing leeway for the Federal Reserve to potentially lower interest rates later this year. This is positive news as inflation reached a peak of over 9% in June 2022. The Consumer Price Index (CPI), a key measure of inflation,...
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